Mom-ing 36 Weeks Pregnant

I am almost 36 weeks pregnant with my second baby and am home full time with my intelligent, persistent, vivacious, no-nonsense three year old, Emmy. I’ve never been so tired in my life.

Today I asked the babysitter to come over for a couple hours so I could lay down, and I passed out within 5 minutes. Now the sitter magically got Emmy to take a nap (something I have not done in over two weeks) and I find myself with a moment to myself. I haven’t written in a while and told myself I’m going to be interrupted shortly so why even bother? But then I remembered, real life is not perfect, manufactured and filtered like so many social media pages. Real life is messy and many things all at the same time. So I write, freely, without editing and cutting and pasting. I write what I feel.

I need to remind myself daily it’s okay to feel exactly what I’m feeling. I can be as tired as I’ve ever been and be as grateful as I’ve ever been. I can love my daughter so much that it hurts, and I can get so angry at her that I want to punch a wall. I can be excited to meet my baby boy and be terrified at the thought of raising a newborn and a toddler. I can be proud of what my body can do and also be put-off by the massiveness of my belly and the roundness of my current double chin. I can be happy and sad and angry and fulfilled and lonely and grateful all at the same time.

Just as I encourage my daughter to be unapologetically herself, I can be unapologetically me. So that’s what I do. Because I’m 36 weeks pregnant with a toddler, and there’s really no room for bullshitting. I just haven’t got the energy.

So despite my bone-deep exhaustion and many aches and pains. Despite a belly that feels it may burst and hormones that cause me to cry every day, it’s back to mom-ing I go.

I’ve never been so tired, and there’s no where I’d rather be then here- with my huge belly and double chin, glancing at my daughter as she sleeps so peacefully.

4 thoughts on “Mom-ing 36 Weeks Pregnant

  1. We love you! You’re going to figure this out, one breath at a time. And ask for help, dammit! Shakti likes little girls. : ) You’ve got my phone number. Xoxo Ingrid

    Ingrid A. Marcroft
    Co-Owner, Upper West Side Yoga and Wellness


  2. So beautifully said, Jess. 😘

    On Thu, Feb 28, 2019, 4:07 PM Lifted Into the World wrote:

    > Lifted Into the World posted: “I am almost 36 weeks pregnant with my > second baby and am home full time with my intelligent, persistent, > vivacious, no-nonsense three year old, Emmy. I’ve never been so tired in my > life. Today I asked the babysitter to come over for a couple hours so I c” >

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